Cloud mmigration planlama


A Platform to Move Your Business to the Cloud with
the Right Planning and without Business Disruption

Cloud migration has many definitions. Although moving servers located in your system room or data center to the cloud is the first definition that comes to one's mind, cloud migration also includes moving your applications and database from one cloud provider to another. Thanks to its experience and expert staff, Eclit plans your cloud migration projects in the most accurate way, manages the process and moves you to Eclit Cloud. Hundreds of customers who have made a smooth transition to Eclit Cloud with Cloud Migration until today have been working at high performance without changing user habits.

What Does Cloud Migration Offer?

Seamless migration and data integrity

Moving an operational system without interruption and moving system services without stopping them is not possible without knowledge- and experience-based planning. Eclit plans every step of your cloud migration project accurately so that you can migrate to the cloud in a controlled way.

Technology update

Although businesses often think that they will solve all their problems by moving their IT systems to the cloud, this is not true in reality. Migrating to the cloud without solving your current issues can cause bigger problems. Eclit Cloud Migration also creates an opportunity to update the technologies you have.

Cost management

Working in the cloud is based on the pay-as-you-go method. Moving your IT systems to the cloud as-is often causes high costs. As a result, your largest IT project may fail financially, or rather, it may not be launched due to high costs. With Eclit Cloud Migration, your entire IT infrastructure is analyzed as a first step and the improvements that will increase system efficiency can be made before moving to the cloud. This way you can avoid high cloud costs.

Compliance with regulations and safety

You must have a cloud design that complies with PDPL or the regulations relevant to your ogranization's sector. Eclit Cloud Migration generates special security definitions for your business and allows you to work in a structure that complies with all relevant laws and regulations in Eclit Cloud. In addition to its ISO certifications, Eclit Cloud also passes through periodic security controls.

IT Bulut Yönetimi
İşinizi Aksatmadan, Doğru Planlama

What are the Benefits of Cloud Migration?

The main purpose and the most important benefit of cloud migration is the ability to run applications or data in the most efficient environment possible based on many factors including cost, performance, security. With its Cloud Migration service, Eclit enables you to achieve the flexibility, business continuity and performance points you are targeting while moving your business's applications and servers to the cloud. Moving to the cloud without proper analysis, planning and the right cloud architecture will cause you to drift apart from your goals and harm your business.

As part of Eclit's Cloud Migration service, your organization's entire IT structure, your applications and the working habits of end-users are analyzed first. Then, a smooth transition to Eclit Cloud is planned accordingly. The steps for cloud migration are determined through the correct planning. If necessary, Eclit End-User Support is also included in the plan to ensure a smooth transition for all your employees.

How can we help you?